Journals (2001 – Present)
Vol. 42, No. 1, December 2024
- Technical Papers
- All Crcked Up Over Icr
- Laboratory Testing of Historic Mortars: Part 1 – A Close Look to a 200-year-old Historic Clay-Lime Mortar
- Laboratory Testing of Historic Mortars: Part 2 – Microstructure of a Historic Feebly-Hydraulic Lime Mortar Containing Silica Flour
- Canada/US (CANUS) Collaborative Project Papers
- Comparison of Reinforced Masonry Design: Project Overview and Design Examples
- Comparison of Masonry Beam Design and Detailing Provisions
- Comparison of Out-of-Plane Reinforced Masonry Wall Design Provisions
- Comparison of Reinforced Masonry Shear Wall and Seismic Design Provisions
Vol. 40, No. 1, December 2022
- Technical Papers
- Investigation of Mix Designs for Lightweight Grout per ASTM C476, By: Rumi Shrestha, Laura Redmond, Jason Thompson, and Prasad Rangaraju
- Quantitative Appraisal of the Sustainability of Compressed Stabilized Earthen Masonry, By: Elena Hoff and Ece Erdogmus
- General Interest Papers
- Compression Behavior of Corrugated Veneer Ties On Insulation, By: Richard M. Bennett, Charles B. Clark, Jr., and Jim Bryja
- Tension and Compression Controlled Sections in the 2022 TMS 402 Code, By: Richard M. Bennett and John M. Hochwalt
Vol. 41, No. 1, December 2023
- Technical Papers
- Artificial Neural Network to Predict the Shear Strength of Partially Grouted Masonry Walls, By: Jeffrey Hung, Bennett Banting, Cristián Sandoval, and Carlos Cruz-Noguez
- Flexural Bond Strength of Masonry Assemblies with Lightweight Grout, By: Cooper Banks, Laura Redmond, Ben Hiner, Stephen Wright, and Michael Stoner
- High-Strength Reinforcing Bars (HSRBs) and TMS 402, By: Omar Khalid and Dimitrios Kalliontzis
- Award Winning NAMC Papers
- Seismic Out-of-Plane Retrofit of URM Walls Using Timber Strong-Backs, By: Ivan Giongo, Dmytro Dizhur, Jason Ingham, Robert Hudson, Marta Giaretton
- An Analysis Model for Partially Grouted Shear Walls Using Macro-Modelling: Importance of Reporting Joint Shear Strength, By: Amr Ba Rahima, Clayton Pettit, Carlos Cruz Noguez, Jeffrey Hung
- Shake Table Tests of Traditional Timber Frame Masonry Construction System, By: Aanisa Gania, Durgesh C Rai, Jan Mohammad Banday
- Sensitivity Analysis of Parameters on the In Plane Behavior of Unreinforced Masonry Wall Strengthened with Steel Wire Reinforced Cementitious Matrix (SWRCM), By: Dattatreya Tripathy and Vaibhav Singhal
- Preserving a Landmark: Saving a Historic Masonry Landmark with Cost Saving Restoration Construction Practices, By: Nathan Harres and Ariel Kousgaard
Vol. 40, No. 1, December 2022
- Technical Papers
- Investigation of Mix Designs for Lightweight Grout per ASTM C476, By: Rumi Shrestha, Laura Redmond, Jason Thompson, and Prasad Rangaraju
- Quantitative Appraisal of the Sustainability of Compressed Stabilized Earthen Masonry, By: Elena Hoff and Ece Erdogmus
- General Interest Papers
- Compression Behavior of Corrugated Veneer Ties On Insulation, By: Richard M. Bennett, Charles B. Clark, Jr., and Jim Bryja
- Tension and Compression Controlled Sections in the 2022 TMS 402 Code, By: Richard M. Bennett and John M. Hochwalt
Vol. 39, No. 1, December 2021
- Technical Papers
- Development of Masonry Wall Resistance and Fragilities for Out-of-Plane Wind Loads, By: Shahriar Quayyum and Sudhan Banik
- Fire impact on Compressive Strength of Concrete Masonry Materials – A Review, By: Hamish Pope and Ehab Zalok
- Quantifying the Effect and Joint Type on Masonry Fire Resistance, By: Hamish Pope and Ehab Zalok
- Reprinted from the 14th Canadian Masonry Symposium with Permission from the Canada Masonry Centre
- Resilience of a Masonry Association: Lessons Learned and Recommendations, By: Christine A. Subasic and Phillip J. Samblanet
Vol. 38, No. 1, December 2020
- Technical Papers
- Geometry Effects on the Fire Resistance Rating of Masonry, By: Hamish Pope and Ehab Zalok
- Visualizing Load Path in Perforated Shear Walls, By: Ying Chih Chen and Rajan Sen
- Masonry Giants – Presented During Daniel P. Abrams Masonry Giants Session
- On the Performance-Based Engineering Concepts for Historic Structures: Challenges and Expectations, By: Abdelsamie Elmenshawi and Nigel Shrive
- General Interest
- History and Preservation of Bradford-Perley House Architectural Interpretation Site, By: Jennifer Tanner and David Transue
Vol. 37, No. 1, December 2019
- Technical Papers
- Behavior of Masonry Mortar Containing a Non-Harmful Antifreeze Admixture, By: Ouafi Saha, Moh Boulfiza, and Leon D. Wegner
- Corrosion-Based Service Life Analysis for Adhered Masonry Cladding Systems in Canada, By: Yasser Korany and Mark D. Hagel
- Experimental Testing of Out-Of-Plane Capacity of Semi-Interlocking Masonry Infill Panels, By: Orod Zarrin, Yuri Z. Totoev, and Mark J. Masia
- Masonry Giants – Presented During Daniel P. Abrams Masonry Giants Session
- A Ten-Year Multi-Phase Research Program on the Seismic Response of Reinforced Concrete Block Shear Wall Components and Systems, By: Mohamed Ezzeldin and Wael El-Dakhakhni
- General Interest Papers
- Determination of Projected Tension and Shear Area for Anchor Bolt Groups in Masonry, By: Richard M. Bennett
- 25 Years Later – The Northridge California Earthquake, It’s Impact on Masonry and TMS’s Response, By: Phillip J. Samblanet
Vol. 36, No. 1, December 2018
- Technical Papers
- Compressive Strength Prediction of Grouted Hollow Concrete Block Masonry: Major International Codes and a Proposed Model, By: Salah R. Sarhat and Edward G. Sherwood
- Finite Element Modeling of Reinforced Concrete Frames with Masonry Infill Walls Subjected to Lateral Load Reversals, By: R. Allouzi and A. Irfanoglu
- Joint Reinforcement as Primary Shear Reinforcement for Concrete Masonry Shear Walls, By: Greg Baenziger and Max L. Porter
Vol. 35, No. 1, December 2017
- Technical Papers
- Confined Masonry Shear Walls: Experimental Testing and Analysis, By: Lan Nguyen, Ross B. Corotis, Michael P. Schuller, and Guido Camata
- Moment of Resistance of Reinforced Masonry Beam Based on Effective Pull-Out Stiffness of Reinforced Brick Mortar Joint, By: Shashank Mehendale, Abhay Bambole, and S. Raghunath
- Single-Wythe Concrete Masonry Walls—Investigation of Early Age Shrinkage of
Masonry Mortars, By: Sarah E. Ebright, Donald Harvey, and Jennifer E. Tanner
- General Interest Topics
- Allowable Stress Design Method for Flexural Reinforcement in Shear Walls, By: Richard M. Bennett
- Anchor Bolt Design Provisions in the TMS 402-16 Code, By: Richard M. Bennett
- Development of Structural Masonry Standards: A Look Back at Where We’ve Come From, with a Glimpse of the Future, By: Phillip J. Samblanet
- NAMC in TMS Journal – Award Winning Papers from Past NAMCs
- A Study on the Out-of-Plane Stability of Ductile Reinforced Masonry Shear Walls Subjected to In-Plane Reversed-Cyclic Loading, By: Brook R. Robazza, Tony Y. Yang, Svetlana Brzev, K.J. Elwood, and D.L. Anderson
- Development of Self-Reinforced Concrete Block for Improved Shear Wall Ductility, By: Madeleine Smith (nee Joyal), Michael J. Tait, and Robert G. Drysdale
Vol. 34, No. 1, December 2016
- Technical Papers
- Capacity of Masonry Loaded by Through-Bolts in Double Shear, By: Gaur P. Johnson, Ian N. Robertson, and James Aoki
- Preliminary Method to Determine CO2 Sequestration in Cementitious Units, By: Canan D’Avela, Jiangyin Bao, Fred W. Croxen III, Robert T. Downs, Steve Fickett, Hugh Rodrigues, David Rothstein, and Jason J. Thompson
- Shear and Tensile Strength Equations for Analysis of Grouted Masonry By: Laura Redmond, Lawrence Kahn, and Reginald DesRoches
- General Interest Topics
- A Review of Reconstruction Methods and Materials for Ancient Dry Stack Structures, By: Ariel Kousgaard and Ece Erdogmus
- Why is the Masonry Market in Brazil Booming? By: Guilherme Aris Parsekian, José Luiz Pereira, and Fernando S. Fonseca
Vol. 33, No. 1, December 2015
- A Review on the Prognostic Evaluation of Historic Masonry Structures, Greg Roche, Saurabh Prabhu, and Sez Atamturktur
- Analysis of Field-Measured Reversible Deformations in Masonry Cavity Walls, A. J. Lohonyai, Yassar Korany, and N. Trovato
- Analysis of Shear-Dominated Reinforced Masonry Walls Using Truss Models, Mohammadreza Moharrami, Ioannis Koutromanos, and Scott A. Williams
- Effects of Cement Stabilization and Fibers on the Water Resistance of Compressed Stabilized Earth Blocks, Ebrima Colley and Ece Erdogmus
- Nominal Shear Strength of Partially Grouted Masonry Walls, Patrick B. Dillon and Fernando S. Fonseca
Vol. 32, No. 1, December 2014
- Effect of Height-to-Thickness Ratio on Compressive Strength of Masonry, Sreekanta Das, Jiaji Liu, Mohamed El Sayed, and Sara Kenno
- Evaluation of Modeling Scheme for Unreinforced Masonry Under Seismic Loading, Laura Redmond, Andreas Stavridis, and Reginald DesRoches
- Seismic Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Masonry Shear Walls as Governed by Flexure, Farhad Ahmadi, Jaime Hernandez, Juan Diego Rodriguez, and Richard E. Klingner
- Evaluation of 2011 MSJC Strength-Design Shear Provisions for Reinforced Masonry Shear Walls, Saleh Alogla, Farhad Ahmadi, Jaime Hernandez, Richard E. Klingner, and David I. McLean
- FRCM-Strengthened CMU Masonry Walls Subjected to Out-of-Plane Load, Saman Babaeidarabad, Giovanni Loreto, Diana Arboleda, and Antonio Nanni
Vol. 31, No. 1, December 2013
- Technical Papers
- Concepts of Shear Friction Applied to Masonry Shear Walls, Shane C. Morrison and Richard M. Bennett
- In-Plane Loading of Brick Veneer over Wood Shear Walls, James M. Lintz and Elias A. Toubia
- Performance Based Seismic Design of a Confined Masonry Building, Sassan Eshghi & Khashaiar Pourazin
- Sliding Shear Resistance of Reinforced Masonry Shear Walls, Farhad Ahmadi , Jaime Hernandez , Geoff Scheid , and Richard E. Klingner
- General Interest Topics
- Testing Flexural Tension Strength of Masonry with Low-Pressure Vacuum, Kenneth C. Hover, Timothy K. Bond, David Farmer
Vol. 30, No. 1, December 2012
- Behavior of Clay Brick Confined Masonry Walls under Cyclic Loads, Behrang Sarrafi and Sassan Eshghi
- Effect of Test Conditions on the Compressive Strength of Concrete Masonry Units, Mina Gayed, Yasser Korany, and Mohammed Nazief
- Interface Shear Transfer Between Grout and AAC Masonry, Miguel Forero Henao, Monica Puglisi, and Richard E. Klingner
- Splice Provisions for Deformed Reinforcement Surrounded by Grout in AAC Masonry, Miguel Forero Henao, Monica Puglisi, and Richard E. Klingner
Vol. 29, No. 1, December 2011
- Behavior of Masonry Subject to Load Parallel to Bed Face, Sreekanta Das, Thomas Ring, and David Stubbs
- Effects of Fibers on Flexural Strength of Masonry Mortars, Catherine K. Armwood, Ece Erdogamus, and Hani Haider
- In-Plane Behavior and Strength of Fully-Grouted Reinforced Masonry Shear Walls, Ehsan Minaie, Michael C. Mota, Franklin L.
- Moon, and Ahmad A. Hamid
- MSJC Deep Beam Requirements, Fernando Fonseca, Sunup S. Mathew, and Richard M. Bennett
- Study of Tile Layer Contribution of a Thin-Tile Masonry Dome, Andrew D. Sorensen and Ece Erdogamus
Vol. 28, No. 2, December 2010
- Design Provisions for Post-Tensioned Masonry Walls Loaded Out-of-Plane, Jennifer R. Bean Popehn and Arturo E. Schultz
- Effective Shear Design of Reinforced Masonry Beams, Salah R. Sarhat and Edward G. Sherwood
- Evaluation of Design Provisions for In-Plane Shear in Masonry Walls, C.L. Davis, D.I. McLean, and J.M. Ingham
- Performance of Poor-Quality Indigenous Brick Walls Strengthened by GFRP, Ghassan K. Al-Chaar
- Stochastic Bayesian Calibration of Finite Element Models of Masonry Vaults, Sezer Atamturktur and Thomas Boothby
Vol. 28, No. 1, January 2010
- Finite Element Analysis of a Panelized Brick Veneer Wall System and Comparison with Wind Load Testing Results, Jianhai Liang and Ali M. Memari
- A Moment Magnification Approach for Unreinforced Masonry Design, Richard M. Bennett
- A Planar-Frame Model for Nonlinear Response of Low-Rise URM Buildings, Youssef Belmouden and Pierino Lestuzzi
- Study of System-Component Interactions in a Thin-Tile Masonry Dome, Andrew D. Sorensen and Ece Erdogmus
Vol. 27, No. 1, July 2009
- Compressive Strength of Clay Brick Masonry, Saman A. Aryana and John H. Matthys
- In-Plane Behavior of a Confined Masonry Wall, Khashair Pourazin and Sassan Eshghi
- Performance of Lap Splices in Concrete Masonry Shear Walls, J.Z. Mjelde, D.I. McLean, J.J. Thompson, and W.M. McGinley
- Wind and Earthquake Shear Load in Symmetrical Loadbearing Masonry Buildings, Pedro Sing-Sang, Yuri Totoev, and Adrian W. Page
- Wind and Earthquake Shear Load in Asymmetrical Loadbearing Masonry Buildings, Pedro Sing-Sang, Yuri Totoev, and Adrian W. Page
Vol. 26, No. 2, November 2008
- Technical Papers
- Compressed Earth Block: Achieving Building Code Requirements with Lime Stabilization, Richard J. Godbey and Margaret L. Thomson
- Development of Laboratories for Masonry Testing and Non-Destructive Evaluation, John M. Coombs and Jennifer E. Tanner
- Flange Effects on the Nonlinear Behavior of URM Piers, T. Yi, F. L. Moon, R. T. Leon, and L. F. Kahn
- Statistical Analysis of Compressive Strength of Clay Brick Masonry: Testing, Saman A. Aryana and John H. Matthys
- A Study on the Use of GFRP as an External Reinforcement for Autoclaved Aerated Concrete, Ayca Eminaga and Ali M. Memari
- General Interest Papers
- The First United States Prestressed Masonry Structures, Richard M. Bennett
Vol. 26, No. 1, July 2008
- Appropriate Control Prism for Prestressed or Reinforced Masonry Floor Systems, Abdul Baqi
- Effect of Moisture on FRP-Masonry Bond Strength, D. D. Stierwalt and H. R. Hamilton III
- Evaluation of Thermal Resistance of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC) Masonry Systems, Christina M. Behrens and Jennifer E. Tanner
- Finite Element Interface Modeling and Experimental Verification of Masonry-Infilled R/C Frames, Ghassan Al-Chaar, Armin B. Mehrabi and Teymour Manzouri
- In-Plane Seismic Response of Reinforced Concrete Masonry Shrinkage Control Joints, Jason Ingham, Gavin Wight and K. C. Voon
Vol. 25, No. 1, September 2007
- Brick Veneer Steel Stud Wall Systems: State-of-the-Art Joseph O. Arumala.
- Comparison of Distribution of Properties in Segmental Retaining Wall Units Between Manufacturers Cesar Chan, Kenneth C. Hover and Kevin J. Folliard
- The Effects of Moisture on Compressive Strength and Modulus of Brick Masonry, Amde M. Amde, J. V. Martin and James Colville
- Load Capacity of Dry- Stack Masonry Walls H. C. Uzoegbo , R. Senthivel and J.V. Ngowi
- Out-of-Plane Flexural Strength of Unreinforced Clay Brick Masonry Walls, M. C. Griffith and J. Vaculik
- Polymer Modification of Masonry Cements in Brick Masonry, Amde M. Amde, James Colville and J. Christian Brown
Vol. 24, No. 1, November 2006
- Dowel Action of Titanium Bars Connecting Marble Fragments, Elizabeth N. Vintzileou , Eleni-Eva E. Toumbakari and Konstantinos A. Papadopoulos
- Effect of Air Entrainment on the Performance of Cement-lime Mortars, W. Mark McGinley
- Impact Resistance of Residential Wall Systems to Wind-Borne Debris, Richard M. Bennett, J. Gregg. Borchelt, Jim Bryja, and Bill Kjorlien
- In-plane Performance Assessment of URM Walls Retrofitted with FRP, Pedro F. Silva, Abdeldjelil Belarbi, and Tong Li
- Influence of Prior Out-of-Plane Damage on the In-Plane Behavior of Masonry Infilled Frames, R.C. Henderson, M. L. Porter, W. D. Jones, and E. G. Burdette
- Time-Dependent Strength and Creep in Masonry, Guilherme Aris Parsekian and Luiz Sergio Franco
Vol. 23, No. 1, December 2005
- Technical Papers
- Development and Evaluation of Hollow Concrete Interlocking Block Masonry System, K. B. Anand, and K. Ramamurthy
- Effective Per Model for the Nonlinear In-Plane Analysis of Individual URM Piers, Tianyi Yi, Franklin L. Moon, R. T. Leon, and Lawrence F. Kahn
- Experimental Replication of Masonry Arch Bridge Spandrel Wall Collapse, Thomas E. Boothby, Yurianto Yurianto, and Ece Erdog
- FPR Strengthening of URM Walls With Openings- Experimental Results, Tong Li, Nestore Galati, J. Gustavo Tumialan, and Antonio Nanni
- FPR Strengthening of URM Walls With Openings- Numerical Analysis and Design, Tong Li, Nestore Galati, J. Gustavo Tumialan, and Antonio Nanni
- Methodology for the Design of Lightweight Concrete with Expanded Clay Aggregates, Ana M. Bastos, Hipolito Sousa, and Hipolito Sousa
- Performance of URM Walls Under In-Plane Seismic Loading, Mohamed A. ElGawady, Pierino Lestuzzi, and Marc Badoux
- Structural Behavior of Tie Connections for Residential Brick Veneer Construction, James M. LaFave and Dziugas Reneckis
- General Interest
- Bond Between Concrete and Building Stones in Stone Masonry Structures, Muhammad I. M. Rjoub
Vol. 22, No. 1, September 2004
- Technical Papers
- Blast Resistance of FRP Retrofitted Un-Reinforced Masonry (URM) Walls With and Without Arching Action, John Myers, Abdeldjelil Belarbi and Khaled El-Domaity
- Enhancing Flexural Resistance of Historic Masonry Walls Using Carbon Fiber Ropes, Yasser Korany and Robert Drysdale
- In- Plane Strengthening of URM Infill Wall Assemblages Using GFRP Laminates, Wael El-Dakhakhni, Ahmad Hamid and Mohamed Elgaaly
- Influence of Confinement on the Cyclic Behavior of Reinforced Brick Masonry Walls, Adrian S. Durham and Mervyn Kowalsky
- Pushover Tests on Intermediate-Scale Models of Masonry Buildings With Rigid Floors, B. Calderoni, P. Lenza, and P.P. Rossi
- Shear Behavior of UCMW Using CFRP Sheet: A Case Study, Tong Zhao, Chenjun Zhang, and Jian Xie
- Static Determination of the Internal Forces and Displacements in Arch Bridges, A. Audenaert, H. Peremans, and W.P. DeWilde
- General Interest
- Disaster Investigation Report: Tornado and Severe Storm Damage in Tennessee November 10, 2002 – Behavior of Brick and Veneer Structures, Jim Bryja and Richard Bennett
Vol. 21, No. 1, September 2003
- Anchor Bolts in Masonry Under Combined Tension and Shear Loading, Anne M. Fabrello-Streufert, David G. Pollock and David I. McLean
- Elastic Stability Of URM Walls Under Transverse Loading, A. E. Schultz and J. G. Mueffelman
- Design Considerations for Stability of Transversely-Loaded URM Walls, A. E. Schultz and J. G. Mueffelman
- Evaluation of the Seismic Performance of Brick Walls Retrofitted and Repaired, Expansive Epoxy Injection, Al Zeiny
- Flexural Strengthening of Masonry Walls with External Composite Bars, Kunwar Bajpai and Dat Duthinh
- Seismic Analysis of Masonry-Infilled Reinforced Concrete Frames, Armin B. Meharbi and P. Benson Shing
Vol. 20, No. 1, December 2002
- Technical Papers
- Tensile Strength of Headed Anchor Bolts in Tops of Fully Grouted CMU Walls, Terence A. Weigel, J.P. Mohsen, Anthony Burke, Karl Erdmann, and Andrew Schad
- Strength and Stiffness of Masonry Shear Walls with Openings, Hany Elshafie, Ahmad Hamid, and El-sayed Nasr
- Experimental Investigation of Long-Term Behavior of Dry-Stack Masonry, Gero Marzahn and Gert König
- Performance of Masonry Buildings in St. Peter, Minnesota during the March 29, 1998 Tornadoes, Arturo E. Schultz, Max L. Porter, Olene Bigelow, and Richard Stehly.
- Flexural Tension in Unreinforced Masony: Evaluation of Current Specifications, Young Sang Kim and Richard M. Bennett
- General Interest Papers
- Quality Control of Concrete Masonry Compressive Strength, Clayford T. Grimm
- Structural Design of Unreinforced Masonry, James Colville
- Corrosion Protection of Metal Connectors in Masonry, Clayford T. Grimm
Vol. 19, No. 1, September 2001
- Analytical Stress Strain Curves For Confined And Reinforced Concrete Masonry, Niaz A. Nazir and Gary C. Hart
- Effect of Mortar on Shrinkage of Clay Masonry Wall Panels, Brian James Harris and Richard E. Klingner
- Modeling of Flexural and Shear Response in Reinforced Masonry Walls Under Seismic Loading, Vincenzo Colotti
- Stability of Unreinforced Masonry Under Compressive Load, James Colville
- Strain Transfer Analysis of Masonry Prisms Reinforced with Bonded Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Sheets, K. E. Roko, T. E. Boothby, and C. E. Bakis
- Structural Testing of Single-Storey Post-tensioned Concrete Masonry Walls, Peter T. Laursen and Jason M. Ingham
- Testing and Codification of Partially Grout-filled Nominally-reinforced Concrete Masonry Subjected to In-Plane Cyclic Loads, Jason M. Ingham, Barry J. Davidson, David R. Brammer and Kok C. Voon
- Using Slag in Manufacturing Masonry Bricks and Paving Units, Yasser Korany and Salah El-Haggar
Vol. 18, No. 2, December 2000
- Technical Papers
- An Alternative Design for Brick Veneer Steel Stud Walls, W. Mark McGinley
- Behavior of Masonry Mortars – A Factorial Design Approach, V. Sathish, Dr. K. Ramamurthy, and Dr. R. Ambalavanan
- Proposed Provisions for Design of Anchorage to Masonry, Richard Allen, J. Gregg Borchelt, Richard E. Klingner, and Rob Zobel
- The Role of Water Transport between Brick and Mortar, V. A. Jennings, A. M. Werner, C. W. Park, and D. A. Lange
- Testing of Anchor Bolts in Concrete Block Masonry, Joel B. Tubbs, David G. Pollock, Jr., and David I. McLean
- General Interest Papers
- Brick Specifications Flowcharts, Clayford T. Grimm
- Masonry and the Modernist Ethic, Lino Bianco
Vol. 18, No. 1, July 2000
- Technical Papers
- An Anistropic Failure Criterion for Masonry Suitable for Numerical Implementation, Paulo B. Lourenco and Jan G. Rots
- Creep Losses in Post-Tensioned Concrete Masonry, H. R. Hamilton III and C. C. R. Badger
- Hysteretic Behavior of Concrete Masonry Shear Walls with Unbonded Reinforcement, Alok Madan, Andrei M. Reinhorn, and John B. Mander
- Interaction of In-Plane Shear and Flexure in Masonry Walls with Unbonded Longitudinal Reinforcement, Alok Madan, Andrei M. Reinhorn, and John B. Mander
- Load Tests on Post-Tensioned Masonry Walls, Nebojsa Mojsilovic and Peter Marti
- Seismic Response Patterns for URM Buildings, Daniel P. Abrams
- Wall Density and Seismic Performance of Confined Masonry Buildings, Maria Moroni, Maximillano Astroza, and Rodrigo Caballero
- General Interest Papers
- Brick Color Selection and Specification, Clayford T. Grimm
- Words that Sell Brick, Clayford T. Grimm
Journals (1981 – 1999)
Vol. 17, No. 1, November 1999
- Technical Papers
- Strength Assessment of Clay Bricks using Porosity Dependent Techniques, F.M. Khalaf and J.G. Wilson
A Study of the Deflection of Prestressed Masonry Walls, R.K. Devalapura, G.L. Krause, and M.K. Tadros - Microstructural Investigation of Mortar/Unit Interaction, D.A. Lange, H.D. DeFord, and A.M. Werner
Special Reports Section - Performance of Masonry in Hurricane Fran, September 5, 1996, W.M. McGinley and R.D. Thomas
- Performance of Masonry during the Middle Tennessee Tornadoes, January 24, 1997, Craig Henderson, K. Fricke
- Strength Assessment of Clay Bricks using Porosity Dependent Techniques, F.M. Khalaf and J.G. Wilson
- General Interest Topics
- Allowable Axial Compressive Stress in Masonry, A Simplified Procedure, Narendra Taly
- The Voss Plastometer: Sand-Carrying Capacity of Matrices, Harold C. Fisher
Vol. 16, No. 1, June 1998
- Effect of Capping Technique on Observed Compressive Strength of Facing Brick, L.K. Crouch, J.F. Brogdon, R.C. Henderson, and D. Lanham
- Masonry Performance Criteria, C.T. Grimm
- Gypsum Morat in Historic Structures, R.A. Livingston, A.M. Made, and A. Chaturbahai
- Evaluation of Seismic and Wind Resistance of a Low-Rise Masonry Building, N.K. Kristeva and S.D. Schiff
- Structural Performance of Residential Chimneys in Earthquakes, M.J. Scolforo, J. Chrysler, and J.E. Amrhein
- Waste Materials in Block Manufacturing, E. Ramadan, A.M. Made, and J. Colville
- Microwave Noninvasive Detection of Grout in Masonry, K.J. Bois, H. Campbell, A. Benally, P.S. Nowak, and R. Zoughi
- Establishing the Basis for Using Transient Stress Waves for Nondestructive Evaluation of Masonry, T.J. Williams, M. Sansalone, and M. Grigoriu
- Mechanical Properties of Masonry Walls, C.T. Grimm
Vol. 15, No. 2, December 1997
- Brick in Renaissance Architecture, C.T. Grimm
- Design Criteria and References for Masonry Cavity Walls, C.T. Grimm
- Shear Strength of Masonry Bed Joints, F.M. Khalaf and M.W. Naysmith
- Response of Sand-Lime Mortar Joints to Variable Eccentric Thrust, T.E. Boothby
- Evaluation and Analytical Verification of Shaking Table Data from Infilled Frames, R.E. Klingner, N.R. Rubiano, T.R. Bashandy, and S.C. Sweeney
- Experimental Study of Reinforced Masonry Using Slop-Molded Bricks, P. Walker
- Compressive Behavior of Insulated Concrete Masonry Prisms, S.W. Hawk, D.I. McLean, and T.C. Young
- Flexural and Shear Behavior of Insulated Concrete Masonry Walls, S.W. Hawk, D.I. McLean, and T.C. Young
- Masonry Foundation Wall Systems Under Combined Uplift and Shear Forces, W.M. McGinley and M.J. Scolforo
Vol. 15, No. 1, June 1997
- Fontana’s Re-Erection of the Obelisk at Saint Peter’s Basilica, C.T. Grimm
- Concentrically and Eccentrically Loaded Concrete Masonry Prisms, F. Khalaf
- Historical Development of Brick Size and Nomenclature, C.T. Grimm
- Material Model for Concrete and Clay Masonry, A. Hamid
- Waste Thermoplastic in Concrete Masonry, M.J. Gawedzinski and D.N. Richardson
- Waste Materials in Brick Manufacturing, E. Ramadan, A.M. Made, and J. Colville
- Deicing Salt Resistance of Concrete Block Pavers, N. Ghafoori and R. Mathis
- Non destructive Evaluation of Masonry Structures using the Impact-Echo Method, T.J. Williams, M. Sansalone, W.B. Streett, R.W. Poston, and A.R. Whitlock
- Performance Assessment of Concrete Masonry Wall Buildings using Monte Carlo Simulation, G.T. Zorapapel, G.C. Hart, and D.M. Frangopol
Vol. 14, No. 2, December 1996
- Use of Finite Element in Masonry Structures, J.E. Saliba, R.S. Al-Akkad, and G. Sawaya
- Insulated Concrete Masonry: Theoretical R. Values, T.A. Holm
- Effect of Mortar Air Content on Masonry, C.T. Grimm
- Deterioration of Masonry Surfaces and Surfaces Treatments, L. Binda, P. Rocca, and T. Squarcina
- Development of Plastic-Reinforced Wall Ties, J.Q. Burndette, A.A. Hamid, and J. Larralde
- The Strength of Hollow Masonry Walls Under Concentrated Vertical Loads, P.W. Kleemon, N. DeVitis, and A.W. Page
- Behavior of Unreinforced Brick Masonry under Lateral Cyclic Loading, Y. Zhuge, J. Corderoy, and D. Thambiratnam
- Seismic Retrofitting of URM Walls with Fiber Composites, M.R. Ehsami and H. Saadatmanesh
Vol. 14, No. 1, August 1996
- Masonry Throughout History, C.T. Grimm
- Structural Response to Bomb Blasts, M.A. Amjad
- A Study of Masonry Arch Bridges Using Finite Element Analysis, N.G. Gong, B.S. Choo, and M.G. Coutie
- Strengthening of Hollow Block Masonry Basement Walls with Plastic Reinforcing Bars, A.A. Hamid
- Effects of Horizontal Confinement on the Behavior of Ancient Masonry Towers, G. Ballio and G.M. Calvi
- Minimum Horizontal Reinforcement Requirements for Seismic Design of Masonry Walls, A.E. Schultz
- Shear Strength of Reinforced Masonry Walls, J.D. Brunner and P.B. Shing
- The Significance of the Gauging System in the Flatjack In-Situ Test, P. Ronca
- Flexural Behavior of Reinforced Masonry Shear Walls, A. Madan, A.M. Reinhorn, and J.B. Mander
- Development and Testing of Prestressed Clay Brick Walls, R.K. Devalapura, G.L. Krause, and M.K. Tadros
Vol. 13, No. 2, February 1995
- Preliminary Results of the Influence of Shear Connected Wythes on the Ability of Cavity Walls to Carry Vertical Loads, A. Goyal, M.A. Hatzinikolas, and A.E. Elwi
- Lap Splices in Flexurally Loaded Masonry Walls, J.D. Blake, M.L. Marsh, and D.I. McLean
- Evaluation of the Flatjack Test of Brick Masonry, L.F. Kahn and S.E. Turner
- Flexural Bond Strength of Clay Brick Masonry, S.L. Wood
- Evaluation of the Compressive Strength of Masonry by Prism Sampling, R.D. Thomas and M.J. Scolforo
- Test Program on the Seismic Behavior of Confined Masonry Structures, S.M. Alcocer and R. Meli
- Effect of Mortar Shrinkage on In-Plane Stresses in Clay Brickwork, D.P. Abrams
- Use of Masonry as a Building Material in the Arabian Gulf Region, A.A. Hamid
- Masonry Cavity Walls: A Bibliography, C.T. Grimm
Vol. 13, No. 1, August 1994
- Behavior and Design of Multi-Story Masonry Walls Under In-Plane Seismic Loading, G. Leiva and R.E. Klingner
- Influence of Curing Types and Age on Bulk and Surface Properties of Concrete Paving Blocks, N. Ghafoori and B.M Sukandur
- Probabilities, Safety Factors, and Limit State Design, J.C. Kariotis
- Aseismic Strengthening of Historical Stone-Masonry Buildings by Building-Friendly Technologies, M. Tomasevic, V Apih, and M. Lutman
- Finite Block Analysis of Masonry Arches, J.M. Gebara and A.D. Pan
- Performance of Structures During the Oct. 12, 1992 Cairo Earthquake, A.A. Rahman and K.M. Yousri
- How to Look at a Brick Wall, C.T. Grimm
Vol. 12, No. 2, February 1994
- Shear Strength of Reinforced Concrete Masonry Beams Without Web Reinforcement, S.M. Fereig
- Shape Optimization of an Ultra-Lightweight CMU, M.A. Khalifa, M.K. Tadros, S.G. Low, and A.E. Magzoub
- Seismic Resistance of Brick-Infilled Steel Frames With and Without Retrofit, J.B. Mander and B. Nair
- Effects of Time-Dependent Deformations on the Behavior of Reinforced Masonry Columns, H. Ben-Omran, J.I. Glanville, and M.A. Hatzinikolas
- State-of-the-Art of Masonry Retaining Walls, R.K. Devalapura, G.L. Krause, and M.K. Tadros
- Masonry Lintels – Shear Failure Analysis, Z. Soric
- Nonlinear Models for Shear Failure in Confined Masonry Walls, M.O. Moroni, M. Astroza, and S. Tavonatti
- Behavior of Unreinforced Masonry Structures during the 1992 Erzincan Turkey, Earthquake, M. Bruneau and M Saatcioglu
- Effect of the Time of Application of Curing Membranes on Mortar Properties, M.A. Amjad and S.H. Srour
Delamination of Masonry Pavements, C.T. Grimm - Masonry Keywords, C.T. Grimm
Vol. 12, No. 1, August 1993
- Masonry Veneer Anchors and Cavity Wall Ties, C.T. Grimm
- Flexural Behavior and Strength of Reinforced Masonry Walls Built with Masonry Cement Mortar, B.E. Abboud, A. Hamid and H.G. Harris
- A Structural Component Model for Masonry Flexural Walls, Gary C. Hart and J.W. Jaw
- The Effect of Reinforcement on the Shear Response of Grouted Concrete Masonry, M.M Khattab and R.G. Drysdale
- Transverse Strength of Damaged URM Infills, D.P. Abrams, R. Angel, and J. Uzarski
- Preliminary Results from the TCCMAR 5-Story Full-Scale Reinforced Masonry Research Building Test, F. Seible, G. Hegemier, N. Priestley, G. Kingsley, A. Igarashi, and A. Kirkchbasche
- Evaluation of Shear Strength of Reinforced Masonry Walls, P.B. Shing, J.D. Brunner and H.R. Lotfi
- The Seismic Resistance of Historical Urban Buildings and the Interventions in Their Floor Systems: An Experimental Study, M. Tomasevic, M. Lutman, and P.WeissMortar Tensile/Compressive Strength Ratio, C.T. Grimm
Vol. 11, No. 2, February 1993
- Reinforced Concrete Masonry Walls under Combined Axial and Flexural Loading, R.A. McLain, D.I. McLean, and T.L. McLain
- The Time-Dependent Behaviour of Masonry Prisms: An Interpretaion, L. Binda and A. Anzani
- Performance of Concrete Masonry Beams, G.C. Hart and J.J.E. Jang
- Structural Reliability Analysis of Concrete Masonry Beams, G.C. Hart and J.J.E. jang
- Clay Brickwork – An Alternative Material for New Highway Structures, S.W. Garrity
- Quality Assessment of Concrete Paving Blocks Using Non-Destructive Measurements of Early-Age Properties, N. Ghafoori and D.R. Smith
- Influence of Confining Steel on Flexural Rsponse of Reinforced Masonry Shear Walls, P.B. Shing, E.W. Carter and J.L. Noland
- Flexural Strength of Masonry with Reference to a New Code of Practice for Europe (Eurocode 6), C. Fudge, N. Bright, and A. Ohler
Vol. 11, No. 1, August 1992
- Service Load Design Equations for Unreinforced Masonry Construction, J. Colville
- Thermal Stresses in Composite Masonry Walls, M.A. Rahman and S.C. Anand
- A Proposed Seismic Design Approach for Masonry Shear Walls incorporating Foundation Uplift, D.K. Nakaki and G.C. Hart
- Splitting Tensile and Compressive Strength Relationship of Concrete Paving Blocks, N. Ghafoori, and D. R. Smith
- State-of-the-Art of Concrete Masonry Units, M.K. Tadros, G.L. Krause, B.Amiri and Steve Sweeney
- Stability of Hollow Masonry Walls, J. Colville
- Compressive Strength of Partially Grouted Concrete Masonry Using Small Scale Wall Elements, A.A. Hamid and S.R. Des. Chandrakeerthy
- Old Research on Masonry Bond, H.C. Fischer
- Statistical Requirements for Masonry Testing, R.H. Atkinson
Vol. 10, No. 2, February 1992
- What is Wrong with Brick Masonry Veneer over Steel Studs?, C.T. Grimm
- Expected Value Wall Performance, G.C. Hart
- Engineering Design Provisions for Prestressed Masonry, Part 1 – Masonry Stresses, and Part 2 – Steel Stresses and other
- Considerations, A.E. Schultz and M.J. Scolforo
- The Effect of Slenderness and End Restraint on the Behavior of Masonry Prisms – A Literature Review, G.R. Kingsley, J.L. Noland and M.P. Schuller
- Computer Program for Analysis of Masonry Shear Walls, A. Nanni and J.S. Juwana
- Evaluating Lateral Strength of Existing Unreinforced Brick Piers in the Laboratory, G.S. Epperson and D.P. Abrams
- Relationship of Earthquake Damage of Reinforced Masonry Shear Walls to the Frequency of the Ground Motion, J.C. Kariotis, M.A. Rahman, and A.M. El-Mustapha
- Seismic Isolation and Analysis of the Salt Lake City and County Building, R.L. Mayes, B.I. Sveinsson, and L.R. Jones
Vol. 10, No. 1, August 1991
- An Overview of Prestressed Masonry, A.E. Schultz and M.J. Scolforo
- Present and Future Techniques for Nondestructive Evaluation of Masonry Structures, D.P. Abrams and J.H. Matthys
- Cyclic Behavior of Joint Reinforced Concrete Masonry Walls, A.A. Hamid, C. Chia-Calabria, and H.G. Harris
- Distribution of Shear Forces in Walls having Openings, J.E. Saliba and A.J. Sexton
- Flexural Strength of Masonry with Reference to a New Code of Practice for Europe (Eurocode 6), C. Fudge, N. Bright, and A Ohler
- A Limit State Design Criteria for Masonry, G.C. Hart
- Prestressed Clay Brickwork Bridge Abutments, S.W. Garrity and T.G. Garwood
- Bricks for Future Lunar Structures, I.C. Dialer
- Effect of Loading Platen Thickness on Masonry Unit and Prism Strengths, R.H. Atkinson
- U.S. Coordinated Progam for Masonry Building Research: Sixth Year Status, J.L. Noland
Vol. 9, No. 2, February 1991
- Flexural Bond Strength of Concrete Masonry Prisms using Portland Cement and Hydrated Lime Mortars, E.G. Hedstrom, K.M. Tarhini, R.D. Thomas, V.S. Dubovoy, R.E. Klingner, and R.A. Cook
- Seismic Design of Ductile Masonry Walls, G.C. Hart
- Design and Testing of Masonry Slab System, A. Nanni and L.F. Geschwinder
- Behaviour of Unreinforced Masonry Buildings Subjected to Earthquakes, M. Qamaruddin and B. Chandra
- A Test Program to Determine the Structural Properties of Unreinforced Hollow Clay Tile Masonry Walls at the DOE Oak Ridge Plants, K.E. Fricke and W.D. Jones
- Flexural Bond Strength of Masonry: An Experimental Review, S.K. Ghosh
- Friction at Supports of Clay Brick Walls, W.M. McGinley and J.G. Borchelt
- Failure Criterion for Laterally Loaded Masonry Walls, R. Guggisberg and B. Thorlimann\Compressive Strength of Hollow Concrete Masonry, J. Colville and A.M. Wolde-Tinsae
Vol. 9, No. 1, August 1990
- Research and Innovation, One and the Same, J.B. Scalzi
- Seismic Response of T-Section Masonry Shear Walls, M.J.N. Priestly and H. Limin
- Masonry Structures in the Chilean Earthquake of March 3, 1985: Behavior and Correlation with Analysis, R.E. Klingner, R. Villablanca, M. Blondet, and R.L. Mayes
- The Influence of Structural Layout and Reinforcement on the Seismic Behavior of Masonry Buildings: An Experimental Study, M. Tomazevic, C. Modena, T. Velechovsky, and P. Weiss
- Investigations of the Collapse of a Medieval Masonry Tower, G.M. Calvi and M.J.N. Priestley
- Nonlinear Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Masonry Shear Wall Structures – Monotonic Loading, , F. Seible, H.L. LaRovere, and G.R. Kingsley
- Masonry Flexural Strength vs. Course Height, C.T. Grimm
- Results of a Statistical Study of Masonry Deformability, R.H. Atkinson and G.G. Yan
- Masonry Conversion Factors, S.R. Sanders and H.R. Thomas
- An Alternative Test for Determining the Frost Resistance of Bricks, M.R. Arnott and A.H.P. Maurenbrecher
Vol. 8, No. 2, July-December 1989
- Engineered Aseismic Masonry Veneers, D. Allen
- Effect of Properties of Steel on the Flexural Behavior of Joint Reinforced Concrete Masonry Walls, A. A. Hamid and C. Chai-Calabria
- Limit States Design Criteria for Minimum Flexural Steel in Concrete Masonry Beams, G.C. Hart
- Ultimate Strength Flexural Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Masonry Walls, R.L. Heeringa and D. I. McLean
- Masonry P-M Diagrams Made Easy, J. G. Tawresey
Vol. 8, No. 1, January-June 1989
- Survey into Motives for Choosing Reinforced Concrete over Loadbearing Masonry for Residential Buildings, K. Medallah
- Probable Performance of Reinforced Masonry Shearwalls Conforming to Current Seismic Requirements, J. Kariotis and A. M. El-Mustapha
- Residential Basement Walls: Problems and Solutions, D. R. Eimer and D.D. Bell
- Analytical Stress-Strain Curves for Grouted Concrete Masonry, G.C. Hart, N. Sajjad, G.R. Kingsley and J.L. Noland
Vol. 7, No. 2, July-December 1988
- The Japanese 5 Story Full Scale Reinforced Concrete Masonry Test – Pseudo Dynamic and Ultimate Load Test Results, Y. Yamazaki, T. Kaminosono, M. Teshigawara, and F. Seible
- The Use of Confinement Steel to Increase the Ductility in Reinforced Concrete Masonry Shear Walls, G. Hart, J. Noland, G. Kingsley, R. Englekirk, and N, Sajjad
- Cost Differences Among Fire Separations in Multiunit Residential Buildings, R.I. Carr
Vol. 7, No. 1, January-June 1988
- The Japanese 5 Story Full Scale Reinforced Concrete Masonry Test – Forced Vibration and Cyclic Load Test Results, Y. Yamazaki, F. Seible, H. Mizuna, T. Kaminosono, and M. Teshigawara
- Dynamic and Static Testing of Reinforced Concrete Masonry Structures, D. Abrams
- Characterization of Mortars and Plasters from Ancient Monuments of Milan (Italy), G. Baronio and L. Binda
Vol. 6, No. 2, July-December 1987
- A Review of the U.S. Coordinated Program for Masonry Building Research, J.L. Noland
- Could Masonry Wall Design Codes Be Improved?, R.F. Campbell, Sr.
- The Japanese 5 Story Full Scale Reinforced Concrete Masonry Test – Design and Construction of the Test Specimen, F. Seible, T. Okada, Y. Yamazaki, and M. Teshigawara
- The Japanese 5 Story Full Scale Reinforced Concrete Masonry Test – Loading and Instrumentation of the Test Building, F. Seible, Y. Yamazaki, T. Kaminosono, and M. Teshigawara
- Masonry Panel Wall Design, C.T. Grimm
- Technical Note: Concentrated Loads on Hollow Masonry-Load Dispersion Through Bond Beams, A.W. Page and N.G. Shrive
Vol. 6, No. 1, January-June 1987
- Research-At What Price?, J.B. Scalzi
- Effect of Long Term Deformations on Brick Masonry: A Nonlinear Analysis, E.M.F. Naguib and G.T. Suter
- Bond Stress Slip in Masonry Reinforced with Spliced Reinforcement, Z. Soric and L.G. Tulin
- Universal Elastic Flexural Design Technique for Reinforced Masonry, J.E. Amrhein
Vol. 5, No. 2, July-December 1986
- Optimum High Lime Mortar Mixes for the Pacific Northwest, J. Mendes
- Flexural Strength of Rectangular Unconfined Masonry Shear Walls with Distributed Reinforcement, M.J.N. Priestley
- Applied Stress Equations – Walls with Axial Load Combined with Bending Moment, J.G. Tawresey
- Limit State Strength Design Criteria for One to Four Story Reinforced Concrete Masonry Buildings, G.C. Hart, R.E. Englekirk and T.A. Sabol
- Stress Distributions in Hollow Masonry Due to Concentrated Loading, K.W. Simbeya, A.E. McMullen, E.L. Jessop, and N.G. Shrive
Vol. 5, No. 1, January-June 1986
- U.S. PRC Workshop on Seismic Design of Masonry Structures, D. Abrams
- First U.S. – Italy Workshop on Evaluation and Retrofit of Existing Masonry Structures, J. Noland
- Bond Iron and the Birth of Anti Seismic Reinforced Masonry Construction in San Francisco, S. Tobriner
- Effloresence: Cause and Control, M. Merrigan
- Wind Loading Mechanisms on Masonry Construction, K. Mehta and J. Minor
- Dynamic Thermal Analysis of Masonry Wall Systems, A, Hamid and C. Tansler
Vol. 4, No. 2, July-December 1985
- Masonry 1990 – An Australian Seminar on Research Needs, J. C. Scrivener
- Mexico Earthquakes – September 1985, J. E. Amrhein, J. Anderson and V. Robles
- A History of Reinforced Masonry Construction Designed to Resist Earthquakes: 1755-1907, S. Tobriner
Vol. 4, No. 1, January-June 1985
- Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Masonry Moment-Resisting Frames, M. J. N. Priestly and C. Yuk Han
- Bond Characteristics of Sand-Molded Brick Masonry, A. A. Hamid
Vol. 3, No. 2, July-December 1984
- Long Beach 1333 – Coalinga 1983 But with a Difference, J. E. Amrhein and J. A. Giron
- Hurricane Alicia Tests Materials in Materials in Houston’s Skyline, J. G. Borchelt and F.S. Pongette
- Investigation of the Interface between Brick and Mortar, G. W. Chase
- Effect of Grouting on the Flexural Tensile Strength of Concrete Block Masonry, R. G. Drysdale and A.A. Hamid
Vol. 3, No. 1, January-June 1984
- An Overview of Research Projects on Strengthening Masonry Buildings in the United States, J. B. Scalzi
- ASTM Standards for the Masonry Industry, J. Heslip
- Nonparametric Tests of Energy Consumption in Brick Frame Residences, J. Dituri, R. E. Turley and W. J. Kennedy
- Failure of Acrylic Paint and Sealers over Stone and Brick Masonry, S. L. Marusin
Vol. 2, No. 3, July-December 1983
- Variability of Reinforced Concrete Masonry Beam Strength in Flexure and Shear, H. Keller and G.T. Suter
- Behavior of Floor-to-Wall Connections in Concrete Masonry Buildings, A. Anuar, S.K. Arya and G.A. Hegemier
- An Earthquake Design Equation for Shear Walls in Shear, G.C. Hart, S.C. Huang, R.E. Englekirk, and S. Dow
Vol. 2, No. 2, January-June 1983
- Behavior of Hollow Concrete Masonry Prisms Under Axial Load and Bending, I. J. Besica and H.G. Harris
- Measurment of the Creep Strain Distribution in an Axially Loaded Brickwork Wall, D. Warren and D. Lenczner
Vol. 2, No. 1, January-June 1982
- A Truly Heavy Hobby, R. P. Anjaro, SR.
- Measured Earthquake Response of a Concrete Block Masonry Shear Wall Building, G. C. Hart and S. C. Huang
Vol. 1, No. 2, July-December 1981
- Slender Walls Research Program by California Structural Engineers, J.E. Amrhein
- Distribution of Lateral Forces in Multistory Masonry Shear Wall Systems, L. Cerny and C. Baldridge
- Analysis of the Diametral Masonry Core Shear Test Specimen, R. H. Atkinson
- Torsional Strength of Brick Masonry Joints, A. A. Hamid and M. E. Tate
- Ductility of Unconfined and Confined Concrete Masonry Shear Walls, M. J. N. Priestly
Vol. 1, No. 1, January-June 1981
- Prelaid Masonry Panels on Multi-story Buildings, K. Bailey
- Yugoslavian Research Conference on Earthquake Engineering, J. E. Amrhein
- Glossary of Masonry Terms
- A Practical Methodology for the Design of Masonry Walls, J. Colville
- Effect of the Aspect Ratio of the Unit on Flexural Tensile Strength of Brick Masonry, A. Hamid
- Modern Masonry Structures and Their Weather Resistance, P. T. Mikluchin