Design and Construction Guidelines for Dry-Stack Concrete Masonry was developed by The Masonry Society’s Design Practices Committee as a non-mandatory aid for designers, building officials, contractors, educators, and others interested in dry-stack masonry construction.
Dry-stack masonry construction, which consists of individual masonry units placed without the use of mortar in the head and bed joints, is one of the earliest forms of construction. Despite its historical use, there is little in the way of contemporary design and construction guidance in the United States on the use of dry-stack masonry systems for structural applications. Because the majority of dry-stack research has been limited to reinforced or prestressed concrete masonry construction, the scope of this guide is limited to reinforced or prestressed, dry-stack construction of concrete masonry units.
There are dry-stack masonry systems specifically intended for veneer applications. Because veneer systems do not function as part of the structural system, they are not included in this guide. In addition, this guide does not address the design or construction of unreinforced dry-stack masonry systems or segmental retaining wall systems.