
Masonry Structures: Behavior and Design, 4th Edition – Download Version


The most widely used masonry textbook, Masonry Structures, Behavior and Design, by Dr. Ahmad Hamid has been revised to discuss new research findings and to reflect the design provisions in the TMS 402/602-16.

The textbook also includes numerous design examples (based on the strength design method) and two buildings designs of a single-story building and a multistory building. This textbook is ideal for undergraduate and graduate level courses and it is an exceptional reference for practicing designers.

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Errata as of July 12, 2021

The most widely used masonry textbook, Masonry Structures, Behavior and Design, by Dr. Ahmad Hamid has been completely updated and will be available from The Masonry Society (TMS) in the Spring of 2018. The long-awaited update to this popular textbook includes much of the discussion that made previous editions so useful in both the classroom and in the workplace, but it has also been revised to discuss new research findings and to reflect the design provisions in the 2016 TMS 402/602 Building Code Requirements and Specification for Masonry Structures. The fourth edition incorporates discussions on:

  • Ancient Masonry
  • Contemporary Masonry
  • Building Design
  • Masonry Materials
  • Masonry Assemblages
  • Reinforced Beams and Lintels
  • Flexural Wall
  • Loadbearing Walls Under Axial Load and Out-Of-Plane Bending
  • Columns and Pilasters
  • Shear Walls
  • Infill Walls and Partitions
  • Masonry Veneer and Cavity Walls
  • Connectors
  • Fire Resistance and Design for Environmental Loads
  • Construction Considerations and Details
  • Design of Loadbearing Single-Story Masonry Buildings
  • Design of Multi-Story Loadbearing Masonry Buildings

Complete Table of Contents

The textbook includes numerous design examples (based on the strength design method) and two buildings designs of a single-story building and a multistory building. This textbook is ideal for undergraduate and graduate level courses and it is an exceptional reference for practicing designers.