Reinforced Concrete Masonry Construction Inspector’s Handbook, Tenth Edition


The Reinforced Concrete Masonry Construction Inspector’s Handbook covers all aspects of reinforced concrete masonry construction and inspection. The materials are based on Code requirements and practical experience. The 10th edition incorporates the requirements of the 2018 International Building Code; the 2016 Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures (TMS 402-16) and Specification for Masonry Structures (TMS 602-16). This nationally recognized publication is the primary source of information for understanding the material required for the Structural Masonry Inspection Certification Exam administered by ICC. Every inspectors, designer, and contractors should have a copy of this important publication.

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Masonry design is composed of a variety of materials combined to provide a structurally safe and aesthetically pleasing facade. In order to assure that the materials and installation exceed the minimum design requirements a Quality Assurance program must be established. A Quality Assurance program must be defined in the contract documents to answer questions such as “how to”, “what method”, “how often”, and “who determines acceptance”. The complexity of masonry design varies from project to project, so must the extent of the Quality Assurance program. Contract documents must indicate testing, Special Inspection, and other measures required to assure that the Work is in conformance with the project requirements. Every inspector, designer and contractor should have a copy of
this important publication, which includes:

  • Inspection
    • Materials
      • Quality Control
        • and much more

Additional information

Weight 1.2 lbs
Dimensions 8.5 × 5.5 × .88 in



Masonry Institute of America

Publication Year




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