
ACI-TMS CODE-122.3-24: Thermal Properties of Concrete and Masonry for Use in Determining Energy Code Compliance Except for Low-Rise Residential Buildings — Download Version


This Code prescribes minimum design and construction requirements for energy efficiency of building envelopes of new buildings and additions to buildings. It applies to buildings having concrete walls, roofs, or floors; masonry walls; and masonry veneer, including veneer attached to frame walls as part of the building envelope. It also provides minimum thermal properties for these assemblies for code compliance.

This Code is applicable to commercial and mid- to high-rise residential buildings that use either electricity from any generation source or fossil fuel. It can be used with applicable energy codes and standards such as ASHRAE 90.1 and the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC).

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This Code prescribes minimum design and construction requirements for energy efficiency of building envelopes of new buildings and additions to buildings. It applies to buildings having concrete walls, roofs, or floors; masonry walls; and masonry veneer, including veneer attached to frame walls as part of the building envelope. It also provides minimum thermal properties for these assemblies for code compliance.

This Code is applicable to commercial and mid- to high-rise residential buildings that use either electricity from any generation source or fossil fuel. It can be used with applicable energy codes and standards such as ASHRAE 90.1 and the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC).


energy efficiency; specific heat; thermal conductivity; thermal diffusivity; thermal resistance; thermal transmittance.