TMS 404/504/604 Second Public Comment Period

The initial Public Comment Period for proposed revisions to Standards for Architectural Cast Stone (TMS 404/504/604) and was held from December 16, 2022 through January 30, 2023 in accordance with the rules of The Masonry Society requiring proposed changes to standardized documents be open for public comment for a period of not less than 45 days. These comments have been considered by the Committee, which has responded to each comment, and proposed changes if appropriate. Some changes may be forwarded to new business for the next revision cycle.

Public comments from the initial Public Comment Period and responses from the Committee can be viewed on the TMS 404/504/604 Closure Page.

Anyone may comment on revisions made as a result of the initial public comment period. To do so, submit a comment using the form below by July 21, 2023. Comments received from this second public comment period will be considered during the next revision cycle.

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