Masonry Inspection Checklist


This document serves as a tool for masonry construction inspectors, mason contractors, general contractors, architects, and engineers to assist them in assuring compliance with the applicable building code and contract documents. Only those items that relate to masonry construction are included. Items that should be checked are listed without explanation. Not all items will be used on every project, and some projects may use items not listed in this Checklist.

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The Construction Practices Committee of The Masonry Society has prepared this checklist for use during the preconstruction, construction, and closeout phases of a project. The checklist may be used in whole or in part to aid all members of the project team in performing their duties. The completed document may become part of the job records for that project.

This document serves as a tool for masonry construction inspectors, mason contractors, general contractors, architects, and engineers to assist them in assuring compliance with the applicable building code and contract documents. Only those items that relate to masonry construction are included. Items that should be checked are listed without explanation. Not all items will be used on every project, and some projects may use items not listed in this Checklist.

The Checklist is divided into four parts:

  1. Design and Preconstruction
  2. Preparation for Installation of Masonry
  3. Masonry Construction QC and Inspection
  4. Closeout

This document is intended to assist in developing a quality assurance program for masonry construction and does not supersede building code or contract requirements. The design professional should determine which items in the Checklist are appropriate for the project and include the approved checklist in the bid documents as part of the QA program.

This edition of the Checklist is based upon the 2016 version of TMS 402/602.