Bio/Firm Description: As a building enclosure consultant with over 35 years experience in construction, Ms. Jergenson performs a wide range of services for existing and new construction such as peer review, hygrothermal analysis, quality assurance and control, building enclosure commissioning, condition surveys, and forensic investigations. Her certifications include Certified Construction Specifier (CCS) and Certified Construction Contract Administrator (CCCA) from Construction Specifications Institute (CSI), Building Enclosure Commissioning Process Provider (BECxP) and Commissioning Authority + Building Enclosure (CxA+BE) from the University of Wisconsin in Madison, and certified Field Auditor for Air Barriers and an Approved Speaker through Air Barrier Association of America (ABAA). Ms. Jergenson has written the first and second editions of the masonry standards for Minnesota State Colleges and Universities and revised the masonry and exterior wall standards for Minnesota State Real Estate and Construction Services. Finally, Ms. Jergenson was a course designer for the University of Minnesota converting and enhancing the Construction and Facility Management Program's course Building Enclosure Design and Construction (CMgt 4562) to online.