Established in 2023 at the 14th NAMC by three women engineers who are passionate about masonry, the goal of this award is to increase female participation within TMS. The award provides funding for attendance at the TMS Annual Meeting including registration, travel assistance, a mentor, and a 1-year TMS membership (if not already a TMS member).
As this is a new fund, currently we are collecting donations with hopes to offer the first award in Fall 2025. The target fund amount is $100,000 with a goal of raising $25,000 by Fall 2024. Donations will be permanently restricted, with only earned interest used for funding awards.
Ece Erdogmus, PhD, PE is a Professor and Chair of School of Building Construction at Georgia Tech. She has taught masonry design for over 15 years and performed masonry related research for over 20 years. She currently serves on the Board of Directors and TMS 402/602 Main Committee of TMS; she is the chair of TMS402/602 Structural Members Subcommittee and the 14NAMC.
Jamie Davis, PE, is President and Principal of Ryan Biggs Clark Davis Engineering & Surveying, DPC. With the firm for over 30 years, Jamie manages many of the firm’s masonry restoration projects. She is currently Secretary/Treasurer for the TMS Board of Directors, is a voting member on TMS 402/602 Main Committee, is the past chair and current member of the TMS BIM-M Committee, and is a current voting member on the TMS 402/602 Structural members, Reinforcement and Connectors, and Construction Requirements Subcommittees.
Christine ‘Tina’ Subasic, PE, LEED AP, FTMS is a consulting architectural engineer with over 30 years of experience in the masonry industry. She served as the first female President of TMS, is a voting member of the TMS 402/602 Main Committee, and currently serves as chair of the TMS 402/602 Veneer Subcommittee.
$5,000 or more
Ryan Biggs |Clark Davis, DPC (Including donations from Jamie Davis)
$3,000 to $4,999
Ece Erdogmus (including $2,500 donated from 14NAMC honorarium)
$2,000 to $2,999
David and Monica Biggs in Honor of Ms. Jamie Davis
They have an interest in masonry- as identified by the nominating TMS member
They are not yet actively involved with TMS, OR, they are someone wanting to increase their involvement with TMS (e.g. not regularly attending TMS meetings, not a member of any committees, etc..)
First time applicants will be given priority
Expectations from the Award recipient
Attend, fully, a TMS annual meeting and experience several committees
Become a participant in a committee after the conclusion of the annual meetings
Provide feedback to the oversight committee about experience at annual meetings and provide future plans of involvement with TMS