TMS Journal and Conference Papers

This database contains papers published in TMS Journal and North American Masonry Conference proceedings from 1978 through 2023. Access to PDFs of full papers is only available to TMS Members.

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ID Author Publication Year Title Publication Volume Month Number Pages Publisher Publisher Location Editor Day Month Conference Year Conference Location Conference Name Book Publication Newspaper Part Section Edition Manuscript Prior Publication Date Dissertation Translator Translation Country of Publication Publisher Type Language Chicago MLA ASCE Original Publication Place Original Publisher Import Type Publication Month Publication State Keywords URL
10000 K. B. Anand and K. Ramamurthy 2005 Development and Evaluation of Hollow Concrete Interlocking Block Masonry System TMS Journal 23 1 11-20 The Masonry Society Boulder, CO 0 United States scientific, academic journal article English journal compressive strength; interlocking blocks; eccentric compression; flexural strength; prism tests; wallette tests; open-ended blocks.
10001 Lourenço, Paulo B.; Rots, Jan G. 2000 An Anisotropic Failure Criterion for Masonry Suitable for Numerical Implementation TMS Journal 18 1 11-18 The Masonry Society Boulder CO P. Benson Shing June 0 USA Scientific, academic journal article English Lourenço, Paulo B. and Rots, Jan G. “An Anisotropic Failure Criterion for Masonry Suitable for Numerical Implementation.” TMS Journal Volume 18, Number 1 (June 2000): 11-18 Journal June failure criteria, anisotropy, numerical modeling
10002 Hamilton, H. R. III; Badger, C. C. R 2000 Creep Losses in Post-Tensioned Concrete Masonry TMS Journal 18 1 19-30 The Masonry Society Boulder P. Benson Shing June 0 USA Scientific, academic journal article English Hamilton, H. R. III and Badger, C. C. R “Creep Losses in Post-Tensioned Concrete Masonry.” TMS Journal Volume 18, Number 1 (June 2000): 11-18 Journal June Colorado prestressed masonry, post-tensioning, creep, shrinkage, concrete masonry, prestress loss
10003 Madan, Alok; Reinhorn, Andrei M.; Mander John B. 2000 Hysteretic Behavior of Concrete Masonry Shear Walls with Unbonded Reinforcement TMS Journal 18 1 31-44 The Masonry Society Boulder P. Benson Shing June 0 USA Scientific, academic journal article English Madan, Alok and Reinhorn, Andrei M. and ‘Mander John B. “Hysteretic Behavior of Concrete Masonry Shear Walls with Unbonded Reinforcement” TMS Journal Volume 18, Number 1 (June 2000): 31-44 Journal June Colorado reinforced concrete masonry, ungrouted concrete masonry, cantilever walls, hysteretic model, hysteresis, cyclic loading, unbonded reinforcement, micro element modeling, uplift, rocking, in-plane flexure, lateral loading
10004 Madan Alok; Reinhorn Andrei M.; Mander John B. 2000 Interaction of In-Plane Shear and Flexure in Masonry Walls with Unbonded Longitudinal Reinforcement TMS Journal 18 1 45-64 The Masonry Society Boulder CO P. Benson Shing June 0 USA Scientific, acadeic journal article English Madan, Alok and Reinhorn, Andrei M. and Mander John B. “Interaction of In-Plane Shear and Flexure in Masonry Walls with Unbonded Longitudinal Reinforcementt” TMS Journal Volume 18, Number 1 (June 2000): 45-64 Journal June Colorado reinforced masonry, ungrouted concrete masonry, shear walls, lateral loading, uplift, modified compression field theory, unbonded reinforcement, cyclic loading micro element modeling, nonlinear analysis, strength design, inelastic behavior
10005 Mojsilovic, Nebojsa; Marti, Peter 2000 Load Tests on Post-Tensioned Masonry Walls TMS Journal 18 1 65-70 The Masonry Society Boulder CO P. Benson Shing June 0 USA Scientific, acadeic journal article English Mojsilovic, Nebojsa and Marti, Peter. “Load Tests on Post-Tensioned Masonry Walls” TMS Journal Volume 18, Number 1 (June 2000): 65-70 Journal June Colorado axial load; flexure; load tests; masonry; post-tensioning; walls
10006 Abrams Daniel P. 2000 Seismic Response Patterns for URM Buildings TMS Journal 18 1 71-78 The Masonry Society Boulder CO P. Benson Shing June 0 USA Scientific, acadeic journal article English Abrams Daniel P.. “Seismic Response Patterns for URM Buildings” TMS Journal Volume 18, Number 1 (June 2000): 71-78 Journal June Colorado acceleration, brick, clay-unit masonry, displacement, elastic, evaluation, inertia, lateral forces, nonlinear, rehabilitation, seismic, stiffness, strength, unreinforced masonry
10007 Moroni, Maria; Astroza, Maximillano; Caballero, Rodrigo 2000 Wall Density and Seismic Performance of Confined Masonry Buildings TMS Journal 18 1 79-86 The Masonry Society Boulder CO P. Benson Shing June 0 USA Scientific, acadeic journal article English Moroni, Maria, Astroza, Maximillano, Caballero, Rodrigo. “Wall Density and Seismic Performance of Confined Masonry Buildings” TMS Journal Volume 18, Number 1 (June 2000): 79-86 Journal June Colorado confined masonry, wall density, seismic performance
10008 Grimm, Clayford T. P.E. 2000 Brick Color Selection and Specification TMS Journal 18 1 87-90 The Masonry Society Boulder CO P. Benson Shing June 0 USA Scientific, acadeic journal article English Grimm, Clayford T. P.E.. “Brick Color Selection and Specification” TMS Journal Volume 18, Number 1 (June 2000): 87-90 Journal June Colorado brick, chroma, color, dictionary (color), hue, masonry, psychology, research, semantics, specification, value (color)
10009 Grimm, Clayford T. P.E. 2000 Words that Sell Brick TMS Journal 18 1 91-94 The Masonry Society Boulder CO P. Benson Shing June 0 USA Scientific, acadeic journal article English Grimm, Clayford T. P.E.. “Words that Sell Brick” TMS Journal Volume 18, Number 1 (June 2000): 91-94 Journal June Colorado brick, color, connotation, masonry, meaning, psychology, semantics, shape, size, texture
ID Author Publication Year Title Publication Volume Month Number Pages Publisher Publisher Location Editor Day Month Conference Year Conference Location Conference Name Book Publication Newspaper Part Section Edition Manuscript Prior Publication Date Dissertation Translator Translation Country of Publication Publisher Type Language Chicago MLA ASCE Original Publication Place Original Publisher Import Type Publication Month Publication State Keywords URL