This workshop has been postponed until an undefined future date.
University at Buffalo
Hosted by Dr. Andreas Stavridis

Popular topics presented at past MEWS, especially the breakout sessions, will be presented again, while new topics will be added based on the interest of likely attendees. Professor J. Patrick (Pat) Rand will lead the Architecture Breakout Sessions, while Dr. Richard M. Bennett and Dr. Ece Erdogmus will lead things on the engineering side. A Construction Management Session is being considered as well.
Travel scholarships will likely be available for professors teaching in the US.

About the Masonry Educators’ Workshop
The MEW is a forum for faculty who are teaching masonry, or will be teaching masonry, to learn about the design, specification, construction, and evaluation of masonry. Effective and innovative ways to teach this information to their students are discussed. The goal of MEW is simple: to assist professors teaching masonry so that students, who will be future designers and construction managers, are comfortable using masonry on their projects. Read more about past workshops.
The Masonry Educators’ Workshop (MEW) is made possible through the generous contributions of sponsors. The Masonry Foundation of the Masonry Contractors Association of America and the NCMA Education and Research Foundation have pledged support to assist ti the MEW. CMHA, IMI and MCAA will also assist with the workshop, and other sponsors and supporters are being sought to help offset costs to lower the potential costs for the attendees.In addition, some local masonry organizations typically fund the costs of attendance for individual educators in their region.
Workshop Sponsors

Workshop Supporters